Sunday, July 24, 2011

Greece dilanda krisis kewangan.

Zon Eropah kini dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga memantau keadaan ekonomi Greece, sebuah negara kecil dengan jumlah hutang yang tinggi, defisit belanjawan yang tinggi serta kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi yang negatif.

Krisis hutang Greece mulanya muncul pada Oktober 2009. Sebelum itu, beberapa dekad dulu Greece berada dalam kedudukan yang kukuh kerana selain dari euro yang teguh dan kadar faedah yang rendah ia mudah mendapat pinjaman kredit bagi projek pembangunannya sehinggalah hutangnya mencecah AS400 billion.

Kesatuan Eropah (EU) ketika ini sedang bertungkus lumus untuk mengekang krisis yang sedang melanda Greece ini. Jika tidak isu ini mungkin akan mengganggu pertumbuhan zon Eropah yang sihat, tetapi pembuat-pembuat dasar EU dilihat memnpunyai caranya untuk menyelesaikan isu hutang negara tersebut dengan mengurangkan kadar defisit yang semakin meningkat dengan mengurangkan kadar hutangnya.

Akan tetapi, pada hari-hari mendatang, Greece diduga akan mengalami kekacauan. Rakyat tidak suka dengan peningkatan cukai dan penjualan aset-aset negara, termasuk perusahaan negara. Tindakan ini dianggap hanya menambah beban warga yang sudah pun berat. Rakyat Greece sudah biasa hidup senang-lenang.

Kaitan krisis Greece dengan seluruh dunia, adalah pada kebergantungan Greece kepada matawang Euro. Matawang gabungan Kesatuan Eropah (EU) itu dilihat sebagai simbol kekuatan ekonomi Zon Euro, malangnya terdapat beberapa lagi negara yang punya masalah yang serupa dengan Greece, antaranya Portugal, Sepanyol dan Itali. Jika Greece muflis, pastinya satu gelombang besar ketidaktentuan bakal tercetus kepada ekonomi dunia, memandangkan EU adalah gabungan ekonomi terbesar dunia, yang cuba dicontohi oleh negara-negara di rantau lain, selain menarik minat negara-negara seperti Ukraine dan Turki untuk turut serta.

Oleh itu, Malaysia juga haruslah berjaga-jaga dengan krisis yang sedang melanda kini. Serba sedikit kita akan terasa juga dengan krisis ini.

Buy Silver.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Menurut Robert Kiyosaki dalam Exclusive Update #79 beliau, penurunan harga Silver ini adalah disebabkan 2 perkara. Pertama adalah kerana price correction selepas berada dalam bull market sejak 10 tahun lalu dan kedua adalah disebabkan ramai investor menjual Silver untuk invest di bond, oleh kerana kenaikan interest rate bagi bond terutamanya di market Asian.

Menurut Rober Kiyosaki, ramai beranggapan yg China’s bubble akan meletup sekitar mid-late 2011. Oleh kerana itu, interest rate dinaikkan untuk menarik pelabur dan mengurangkan spekulasi. Tetapi, jika benar China’s bubble meletup, apakah akan terjadi? Adakah investor dalam bond akan kembali membeli Silver, sekaligus menaikkan kembali harga metal-metal ini?

Sama-sama kita ambil perhatian mengenai harga emas, perak, minyak dan bahan makanan serta kadar interest. Walaupun saya sendiri not really sure bagaimana nak relate price semua benda tu, tapi itulah yg Robert Kiyosaki advise. Selepas 10 tahun bull market, adakah correction kali ini hanya minor, atau boleh jadi major? Sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat.

Robert Kiyosaki said – “I’m not selling. I’m waiting to buy more gold and silver if the price continues to drop.”

Saturday, July 2, 2011


How to open instaforex demo account?

1. It is ONLY possible to open an account with a trader’s terminal. Please download one here.

2. Once the setup file is downloaded, please install the program.

3. Once the program is installed, please launch the terminal. Now you can open an account. In the top menu, under File ->, please choose the Open Account item.

4. Please fill out the registration form. Define the account types that you would like to open. Also choose the initial deposit amount for the study account. The following amount will be automatically enrolled to your study account in terms of virtual money. The fictional deposit amount will be in USD.

5. Once all fields are filled out correctly, and you have chosen your settings, be sure that “Receive news via email” is checked, then the “NEXT” button should become active. Click on “NEXT” and continue. As a result, you should then receive your account number and password. Please keep these in a safe place and do not forget them.

You may have as many demo-accounts as you wish, therefore you can open a new demo-account to work out a new strategy on your terminal with your educational account.



1. Define a silver metal.

Silver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag (Latin: argentum, from the Indo-European root *arg- for "grey" or "shining") and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver), as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargyrite. Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining.

2. Explain future investment for silver metal.

Many well known uses of silver involve its precious metal properties, including currency, decorative items and mirrors. The contrast between the appearance of its bright white color to other media makes it very useful to the visual arts. It has also long been used to confer high monetary value as objects (such as silver coins and investment bars) or make objects symbolic of high social or political rank.

3. Discuss silver metal demand for industrial uses.

Silver and silver alloys are used in the construction of high quality musical wind instruments of many types.[20] Flutes, in particular, are commonly constructed of silver alloy or silver plated, both for appearance and for the frictional surface properties of silver.[21] Silver's catalytic properties make it ideal for use as a catalyst in oxidation reactions, for example, the production of formaldehyde from methanol and air by means of silver screens or crystallites containing a minimum 99.95 weight-percent silver. Silver (upon some suitable support) is probably the only catalyst available today to convert ethylene to ethylene oxide (later hydrolyzed to ethylene glycol, used for making polyesters)— an important industrial reaction. It is also used in the Oddy test to detect reduced sulfur compounds and carbonyl sulfides. Because silver readily absorbs free neutrons, it is commonly used to make control rods to regulate the fission chain reaction in pressurized water nuclear reactors, generally in the form of an alloy containing 80% silver, 15% indium, and 5% cadmium. Silver is used to make solder and brazing alloys, and as a thin layer on bearing surfaces can provide a significant increase in galling resistance and reduce wear under heavy load, particularly against steel.
